Course curriculum

  • 1

    A D Minor Introduction

    • Hey and Welcome to Stand Tall

    • The Australia's Got Talent Moment

  • 2

    A Sense Of Hope

    • D Minor's Moment of Hope

    • Check In - Questions

    • Believe In Good Things

    • A Definition Of Hope

    • Hope Filled

    • Finding Hope

    • 7 Ways To Build Hope

    • Check In - Question

    • A Story of Hope

    • The 100 Mile Swim

    • Check In - Questions

  • 3

    Staying Grounded

    • Find Your Thing

    • Being Grounded

    • Staying Grounded

    • Your Passions

    • The Magic of Aidan McCann

    • A Final Check In

    • Congratulations

  • 4

    Teacher Follow Up Resource

    • Stand Tall Follow Up Worksheet - Hopes / Fears