Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the World of Beaver Fleming

    • What's Up Stand Tall!

    • There is always an opportunity to 'send it'!

  • 2

    Get On Board

    • Dreams becoming a reality

    • Supporting other people in their dreams!

    • 3 Helpful Responses

  • 3

    Our Diversity

    • It's Okay To Be Different

    • The Diversity Iceberg

    • Quick Quiz - Diversity

    • Check In

    • Appreciating Our Diversity

  • 4

    Live a Full Life

    • "Make the most of your day, make the most of your life"

    • 5 practices for a good day

    • Daily Goals

    • Mindfulness

    • The Benefit of Mindfulness

    • Challenges

    • A Flow State

    • Flow in Your Life

    • Do Something Meaningful to You

  • 5

    Encourage Everyday

    • Encouragement at Your Fingertips

    • Encouragement Challenge

    • Everyday is a New Opportunity

    • Congratulations

    • Follow Up Resources