Course curriculum

  • 2

    The Bounce Back Mindset

  • 3

    Persist To Your Goals

    • Get Gritty

    • Persistence in Alex's Life

    • How Does Grit Present Itself?

    • What Can Grit Do For You?

    • Grit In Your Life

    • Where Does Grit Come From?

  • 4

    Finding Moments of Positivity

    • There Is More Where That Came From

    • Being Grateful Through Challenges

    • The Factors of a Supportive Network

    • Building These Elements For Yourself

    • Finding the Start of Your Path

    • Start Leading Your Life

  • 5

    The CEO of Your Life

    • Take Charge

    • How Alex Takes Charge of his Life

    • What Does Self-Determination Mean?

    • Self-Determination in Practice

    • What Motivates You?

    • Give It Your All